Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Monday, November 1, 2010

#6 I will become a motivational speaker

Every Monday morning at my office we have our weekly staff meeting. This consists of about 30 minutes of various updates of the happenings for the week. Yes, it is exactly as exciting as it sounds. To get a bit more joy out of it, the last few weeks I butt in at the end to tell a story which I somehow relate to something at work. For example an analogy I made about the ballet telling a story without words and how our design presentations should too. Or today's that was about how, like a winning sports franchise, we should carry ourselves like winners and smack eachother on the ass with a little "good game" moral support and general rooting on of one another. Sort of hokey I know, yet somehow it all works. Seriously, people love it. It seems that the staff leave the meeting with just a little extra spring in their steps. I even get pats myself for the power of my pep talks and how clever and even poignant the anecdotes are. Where does my mind go with this you ask? To motivational speaking naturally! 3 weeks into this and in my head I'm already an everyday Tony Robbins. I could totally do this. I'll be the designer whisperer. This is going to totally work! And then I'll get a tv show! And then....

1 comment:

  1. Multipl;e typos in thi:s one, read .,it your damn; self and fig'ure it out.
