Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Friday, November 5, 2010

#10 I would like to some day be encapsulated in glass

Not like right now, but when I'm dead. I'm assuming like most people I'll eventually have to die. I don't like it (me dying) anymore than you do but it's likely a part of my future so I have started thinking about what will happen with my body. Well, unless my space pod dream comes true, I'll probably be forced to choose between a creepy coffin or cremation. Well, I don't like either of those options to be honest. So I had an awesome idea. What I'd like instead is to be encapsulated in glass. How sweet would that be?! The way I envision it is basically that I would look sort of like those clear plastic models of the human body like we had when we were kids (do they still make those?). But I wouldn't have my organs exposed or anything, it would just be me dead in glass. Clear glass with no tint, though a bit of frosting around my goods might be nice. Don't want to have any awkward moments at the wake!

1 comment:

  1. 2nd line: "dont"
    5th line same this a purposeful exclusion of the contraction in this word?!?!?
