Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weekend Wrap-up - I will wear suits and I will camp - #4 & #5

I take a break at the weekend to let my whims percolate. This weekend I did have some good ones though. Wearing suits and camping. I know, quite disparate, no?

Here's how that all came about. I will start with the suits.

Most days my work uniform is jeans and a dress shirt or jeans and a sweater. Sometimes jeans and a t shirt. Notice a pattern? Yeah, jeans. Not suits. Jeans. Well, last Monday I wore a suit to work for a client meeting. Then by some miraculous misfortune, I had to wear a suit again. On a Friday. In the same week! Ugh. What's my aversion, you ask? Well, mostly I find suits uncomfortable. They're not stretchy. You have to wear a tie. You can't bend over comfortably. The list goes on and on. But you see, they also look really cool. Sad irony, no? So since I like looking cool, and suits are universally accepted as appropriate attire, I've decided that I will start to embrace suits and wear them more often. Plus this gives me an excuse to go shopping.

So, where does nature come in? Well, the last couple of weeks my wife and I have been going to various parks and walking. It's autumn so it's nice to see the leaves changing and the weather has been lovely so being outside is just what we should be. This was a compromise you see, as I don't really care for nature activities. Mostly because of bugs, sweating and dirt. I really don't like dirt, and especially mud. I like shoes and nice shoes and mud just don't mix. Back to the nature discussion. My wife likes to walk in nature. She likes the outdoors. I sort of don't. So what do we do? Well, the few parks that we've visited actually had paved or boardwalked paths. That means no mud. It's also only been around 60 degrees, which means pretty much no bugs nor sweating. Those all combined to make our nature days actually rather awesome. Which of course made me want to explore more parks and eventually led me to the notion of camping. I know, right?!? I will not put the cart ahead of the horse here and grow a beard and outfit myself with gear appropriate for Sir Edmund Hillary. There are however some camp sites with cabins. Cabins that you can park your car near and walk across a paved lot to! Meaning no mud! That sort of camping I think I can do. If not, then maybe a nice hotel with a view of a forest or something. We'll see.

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