Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

#13 I'm going to post a series of themed posts called "Celebrity Friendships". This is the 1st one.

Every now and then I'll read an interview in GQ or watch one on television and I'll think to myself, 'you know, I bet such and such celebrity and I would make awesome friends'. I'm sure everyone thinks that from time to time and with some celebrities having roles which may typecast them as really approachable (a la Will Farrel), how could we not? Well, this isn't about Will Farrel, Tony Danza or even Matt LeBlanc. It's about me and my genuine belief that I could be friends with certain celebrities. Ironically, I don't get star struck and I don't actually think I'd like most celebrities, but there are a few who I am convinced I could be or even should be friends with. In my opinion, this warrants a series of posts on this blog of ludicrocities. I was going to write about James Franco tonight, but with the Gwyneth Paltrow episode of Glee serendipitously beckoning me, it is my fair Gwyneth that I will discuss instead. You'll get your turn James, fear not buddy.

I will say in advance that I think Gwyneth Paltrow is pretty hot. That's not it though, I just think she's cool. She's friends with Michael Stipe for one, who coincidentally I also believe I could be friends with, making my friendship with Gwyneth that much more awesome if the 3 of us went shopping or out for coffee or whatever. She seems pretty down to earth all things considered (her little one being named Apple not withstanding) plus she likes to travel, eat and seems musically and artistically inclined to boot. And she's multi-lingual on top of that. Oh, and she's married to the guy from Coldplay, and I love Coldplay. Not the last album so much but the others are great. On top of that, Gwyneth also likes Spain speaks Spanish and cooks Spanish food, all facts that would make my wife love and approve of her as one of my new BFFs.

So now you see how this works. It's all very logical and would totally work. Ok, so how do we do this?

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