Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Friday, November 19, 2010

#15 - Blog Idea #3: Jack the Cat

My cat Jack is very weird. He acts like he may have been abducted by aliens at some point and had part of his genetic make-up altered so that he is now in fact part alien and may even be in communication with the mothership. Why do I think this, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. First off he acts like he doesn't exactly know how to be a cat. For example, he won't allow you to pet him with your hands, only your feet. Secondly, he kneads like cats do, but not on people, only on socks. Thirdly, and maybe most disturbing, his meow sounds robotic. Like he's part android, like say the cat version of what Twiki from Buck Rodgers may have sounded like were he a cat and not a tiny robot. That's just some of the stuff.

So where does the blog come in? Well, I think it would be funny to write a blog written in the first person (cat actually), from Jack's perspective as if he is communicating with the outside world. I envision the first post to be sort of like his a-ha moment of finally learning how to turn on the computer or something. Then it could go a few directions. One may be that it's his daily report to the mother ship, documenting his and his keepers daily activities. Another option could be that he is in fact being held captive and is trying to figure out how to get back to where he came from. Which apparently isn't the dumpster in Madisonville where he was found.

In my head this is hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. 5th line down: "wont"

    My cat Castor is into feet rubbings too!
