Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Sunday, November 14, 2010

#11 I dont feel like blogging this week

That's what I said to myself last weekend, so I didn't. How's that for follow-through?! And that's not to say that I didn't have some awesome ideas, I just didn't have the motivation to document them. Had I written them, I would have talked about things like my desire to go to Astronaut camp, or how I think I should become a motivational speaker. I also may have written about how after listening to the Glee soundtrack, I now want to get my guitar out and start an accoustic band with my friend Matty (he doesn't know this yet) and we'll play folk-punk versions of cheesy 80s songs. That would be awesome. The great thing about a whim like that, is that it spawns new whims, like naming the band, then designing t-shirts, then actually finding a venue to play these songs. Sigh.... That one does sound pretty great. Now if only I knew how to play the guitar.

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