Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Friday, November 19, 2010

#15 - Blog Idea #3: Jack the Cat

My cat Jack is very weird. He acts like he may have been abducted by aliens at some point and had part of his genetic make-up altered so that he is now in fact part alien and may even be in communication with the mothership. Why do I think this, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. First off he acts like he doesn't exactly know how to be a cat. For example, he won't allow you to pet him with your hands, only your feet. Secondly, he kneads like cats do, but not on people, only on socks. Thirdly, and maybe most disturbing, his meow sounds robotic. Like he's part android, like say the cat version of what Twiki from Buck Rodgers may have sounded like were he a cat and not a tiny robot. That's just some of the stuff.

So where does the blog come in? Well, I think it would be funny to write a blog written in the first person (cat actually), from Jack's perspective as if he is communicating with the outside world. I envision the first post to be sort of like his a-ha moment of finally learning how to turn on the computer or something. Then it could go a few directions. One may be that it's his daily report to the mother ship, documenting his and his keepers daily activities. Another option could be that he is in fact being held captive and is trying to figure out how to get back to where he came from. Which apparently isn't the dumpster in Madisonville where he was found.

In my head this is hilarious.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

#14 I want to try my hand at acting

There is a surprising amount of theater involved in my line of work. I'm in design consulting which means I deal with many existing and potential clients. That means I have to turn on the charm to woo them or calm them when they're angry or convince them all is great when behind the scenes the place is going to hell. Smoke and mirrors are a key part of my arsenal. Well, I would like to see how those skills apply in actual acting of some kind. I have some friends who are film-makers and I have often been told I should try it. Of course that was when I was younger and better looking. Now though I have the experience and sophistication, oh, and cynicism, that only come with my older age. So, where does one start? Theater? Stand up? Homemade iPhone Youtube movie?

I don't know about fancy movie terms, acting skills, directors or obscure foreign cinema. But I do know this. I should be an actor. It's my calling. Today anyway.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

#13 I'm going to post a series of themed posts called "Celebrity Friendships". This is the 1st one.

Every now and then I'll read an interview in GQ or watch one on television and I'll think to myself, 'you know, I bet such and such celebrity and I would make awesome friends'. I'm sure everyone thinks that from time to time and with some celebrities having roles which may typecast them as really approachable (a la Will Farrel), how could we not? Well, this isn't about Will Farrel, Tony Danza or even Matt LeBlanc. It's about me and my genuine belief that I could be friends with certain celebrities. Ironically, I don't get star struck and I don't actually think I'd like most celebrities, but there are a few who I am convinced I could be or even should be friends with. In my opinion, this warrants a series of posts on this blog of ludicrocities. I was going to write about James Franco tonight, but with the Gwyneth Paltrow episode of Glee serendipitously beckoning me, it is my fair Gwyneth that I will discuss instead. You'll get your turn James, fear not buddy.

I will say in advance that I think Gwyneth Paltrow is pretty hot. That's not it though, I just think she's cool. She's friends with Michael Stipe for one, who coincidentally I also believe I could be friends with, making my friendship with Gwyneth that much more awesome if the 3 of us went shopping or out for coffee or whatever. She seems pretty down to earth all things considered (her little one being named Apple not withstanding) plus she likes to travel, eat and seems musically and artistically inclined to boot. And she's multi-lingual on top of that. Oh, and she's married to the guy from Coldplay, and I love Coldplay. Not the last album so much but the others are great. On top of that, Gwyneth also likes Spain speaks Spanish and cooks Spanish food, all facts that would make my wife love and approve of her as one of my new BFFs.

So now you see how this works. It's all very logical and would totally work. Ok, so how do we do this?

Monday, November 15, 2010

#12 I came up with my "million dollar idea"

Only problem, was after gleefully sharing with some of my closest confidantes, I was told it'd never happen. The irony is that sort of cynicism is typically the territory of my generation, not the Yers I was dining with! Table turned, Mr. Bond.

Well, this idea had it all. Genius, revenue, extension, novelty, easy implementation. Everything! Problem was that it's an application of sorts and I know nothing about programming. Now I know people that do, so that's not the biggest hurdle. The main issue is that in order for my application to work, it would have to be used on another application which doesn't allow such things. Before you go naughty on me and think I'm cryptically talking about porn on the iPhone, it's not that. It's better. So good in fact, that even in doubt, I will not share it. Some day my friends, some day.....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

#11 I dont feel like blogging this week

That's what I said to myself last weekend, so I didn't. How's that for follow-through?! And that's not to say that I didn't have some awesome ideas, I just didn't have the motivation to document them. Had I written them, I would have talked about things like my desire to go to Astronaut camp, or how I think I should become a motivational speaker. I also may have written about how after listening to the Glee soundtrack, I now want to get my guitar out and start an accoustic band with my friend Matty (he doesn't know this yet) and we'll play folk-punk versions of cheesy 80s songs. That would be awesome. The great thing about a whim like that, is that it spawns new whims, like naming the band, then designing t-shirts, then actually finding a venue to play these songs. Sigh.... That one does sound pretty great. Now if only I knew how to play the guitar.

Friday, November 5, 2010

#10 I would like to some day be encapsulated in glass

Not like right now, but when I'm dead. I'm assuming like most people I'll eventually have to die. I don't like it (me dying) anymore than you do but it's likely a part of my future so I have started thinking about what will happen with my body. Well, unless my space pod dream comes true, I'll probably be forced to choose between a creepy coffin or cremation. Well, I don't like either of those options to be honest. So I had an awesome idea. What I'd like instead is to be encapsulated in glass. How sweet would that be?! The way I envision it is basically that I would look sort of like those clear plastic models of the human body like we had when we were kids (do they still make those?). But I wouldn't have my organs exposed or anything, it would just be me dead in glass. Clear glass with no tint, though a bit of frosting around my goods might be nice. Don't want to have any awkward moments at the wake!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

#9 I will write myself into a tv show

I got a note from an old friend of mine the other night asking me how awesome would it be if we wrote ourselves into an episode of the Jefferson's. That was a truly genius idea. Being a creative genius myself, my mind took this to extreme heights. What I envision is scouring Youtube to watch as many Jefferson's episodes as possible. Then I will select one and write myself into it. But I won't stop there. My amazing Photoshop skills will come into play. I will literally put myself into the episode. Writing and visuals merged into a symphony of optical wonder. Man, do I really have to go to work tomorrow?!? I must work on this.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

#8 - Blog Idea #2: The Blog of Blog Ideas

The night that the clouds parted and god himself shone down upon me (it may have been DeForest Kelly come to think of it) to bestow upon me the awesome idea of this blog idea, I had yet another awesome blog idea, quite possibly even awesomer than this one! That blog is a blog of ideas for other blogs! I am sort of a short attention span sort of person (which I believe there may be medication for!) so ideas come and go, but again, so they don't go, I blog. And since I'm so pressed for time due to the demands of my job, my social life and my tv viewing schedule, I only can dedicate some many minutes and brain synapses to all my amazing thoughts. I will start this new blog and it too will be awesome.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

#7 I will try harder to remember my daily whims

I don't know if it's my evening drinking or aging or both, but my memory is going to shit. So bad in fact, that even my amazing daily ideas don't get committed to memory. Sad. I think it's time I buy either some sort of tiny notepad that I keep with me at all times, use one of those stupid voice recorders or maybe find some sort of blogger app for my iPhone so I can just post my whim real time, as I'm having it. Genius!

Monday, November 1, 2010

#6 I will become a motivational speaker

Every Monday morning at my office we have our weekly staff meeting. This consists of about 30 minutes of various updates of the happenings for the week. Yes, it is exactly as exciting as it sounds. To get a bit more joy out of it, the last few weeks I butt in at the end to tell a story which I somehow relate to something at work. For example an analogy I made about the ballet telling a story without words and how our design presentations should too. Or today's that was about how, like a winning sports franchise, we should carry ourselves like winners and smack eachother on the ass with a little "good game" moral support and general rooting on of one another. Sort of hokey I know, yet somehow it all works. Seriously, people love it. It seems that the staff leave the meeting with just a little extra spring in their steps. I even get pats myself for the power of my pep talks and how clever and even poignant the anecdotes are. Where does my mind go with this you ask? To motivational speaking naturally! 3 weeks into this and in my head I'm already an everyday Tony Robbins. I could totally do this. I'll be the designer whisperer. This is going to totally work! And then I'll get a tv show! And then....