Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Friday, February 11, 2011

#35 Pet Trapper

Most people are either cat people or dog people. Myself, I'm a cat guy (they're tiny, cute and much easier to take care of). Generally dog people and cat people are fairly different, like cake vs pie people or coke vs pepsi people. In fact, it would be funny if a company decided to forego all traditional market research to create their segmentations and just based all product offerings and brands by marketing to dog people or cat people only. I bet that would actually work. Hmm...

Anyway, like I was saying, dog types and cat types may be different, but one thing that they both deal with is an inability to catch their pets when they need to. We know the situation right? Jane chick has to take Mittens the cat (best cat name ever, BTW) to the vet. Normally Mittens is very loving and approachable, but see Mittens has a sixth sense about these things (because cats are awesome like that). So she hides. Jane chick has no idea where Mittens is, but she's late for work and she needs to catch her, stuff her into her cat carrier and get to the vet, asap. Well, this is where I come in. We have cats. Not one, but two and they are both awesome and sneaky like Mittens. I however seem to have a gift in catching cats in just these times. I don't know what it is but I seem to be able to convince them all is safe and once out and bunting on my hand, I strike! Cat gets caught, stuffed in tiny cage and is behind bars before it even knows what happened. It's awesome. I guess I'm like an inside-the-house pet trapper. Now if your pet gets outside of the house that's not really my thing. You can chase it yourself or call your local SPCA. But I don't think there's a service for inside the house pet catching. I see this as a potentially new line of work actually. Not like a quit your day job sort of thing, but more of a freelance sort of gig. "So, what do you do?"...."Well, I'm in mergers and acquisitions as my day job but I take side gigs catching pets inside peoples' homes." "".

1 comment:

  1. I should be getting paid to be your editor...or spellchecker...10th line down..."marketimg"...2nd to line..."I;m"
