Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Thursday, February 3, 2011

#30 Second Place

Was it Michael Jordan or Winston Churchill who once said, "you dont win second place, you lose first"? I dont remember, but I've always liked that one even though I'm not competitive. In matters of competition, I know what I'm good at and what I'm not good at and I'll save my intensity for the stuff I rule while giving a crap if I come in last in say bowling. Doesn't mean it's any less fun. Which is where my "second place" whim comes in.

Most people, when they want to go see an attraction let's say, want to see the biggest, best longest, tallest, etc. How predictable (boring)! But think about it, like the second the Burj Dubai was built well who needs those tiny little Petronas towers in Kuala Lumpur anymore. Everyone wants to climb Everest, right? Well, not this guy. I want to visit all the second best places. Like Waihilua Falls , the Amazon or the second largest ball of twine. These all sound equally fascinating and are probably less touristy and you know how I feel about tourists (ick!). You could even do a packaged trip, like a cruise, on the second largest ship in the world and hit the second best ports of call. I dont like the idea of crusies so I'm not heading that one up, but you can call me while I'm atop K2 and tell me how it went.

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