Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Thursday, January 27, 2011

#27 Party Planning

I'm several weeks into planning a design conference and I'm finding that I'm pretty good at it. I cant say I love it, but it's fine and my results may lead you to believe otherwise. It's a lot of work though. So much that it seems like it should be a fulltime job. One that pays. And I suppose it's a lot like party planning, but rather than have a set guest list, you have to woo people to pay to hear the people that you dangle in front of them like bait. Sounds weird. At the end of this (in April), I will have (with a bit of help naturally) wrangled about 9-10 speakers, 200-250 attendees, designed a logo, developed collateral, identified a venue, planned after-hours events and MCed a 3 day conference for which I will not paid so much as a free t-shirt. We dont have budget for those. All that said, I would guess that if I can plan this, I bet I could probably swing a bar mitzvah, a birthday or a wedding. Even if there are clowns, bands or petting zoos involved, right? Party planner. Maybe that is my destiny? Come to think of it, a petting zoo would actually be pretty sweet at my conference.

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