Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

#26 Martial Arts

I am not a tall man as most people will attest. I suppose tall is relative, but generally speaking I'm just shy of average height. I am however freakishly strong and could always hold my own in fights as a kid. At the end of the day, I am who I am (like Popeye) and am perfectly comfortable with myself. In fact, I honestly dont recall the last time I was ever afraid of anyone bigger than me (and you should be because tall people are f-ing crazy. Fact.). That is until this past weekend.

I was at a going away party at a bar on Saturday night. One of my coworkers joined us later in the night with his friend Loser (name changed to protect his assholish anonymity). Well, Loser was tanked, and huge and a close-talker. And he had rage in his eyes. Like a mad drunk. And being a happy, lovey drunk myself, I totally cant comprehend the mad drunk. Well, I tried to be courteous and make idle small talk since I could give a shit to become friends with this guy. But he sort of kept getting more belligerent and was aggressively close-talking to some friends of mine too. I can get protective of my friends, so this was not sitting well with me. And in pondering that for a moment, it occurred to me that if he tried anything and I intervened, I would most likely lose. And lose badly because he was huge. And it was in that moment that I decided that maybe I should consider looking into martial arts classes of some kind. Cause I mean, if you have to throw down unexpectedly, It'd be kind of sweet to drop some ninja shit on a motherf%^&)er. If you had to anyway.

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