Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Sunday, January 16, 2011

#23 - Blog Idea #4: Hipster or Homeless

I write this before doing even the most cursory Google search, primarily because my idea has most likely already been realized in a zillion fashions. But if we had settled on just inventing the wheel, we'd never have invented tires or 24" gold dubs on which to put tires. Genius is in the way things are expressed. So, back to the blog. This was inspired by an incident from over the weekend where I came upon a dude who I genuinely couldn't tell if was a homless man or a hipster. I paused like one might if they think they heard a strange sound. I assessed my surroundings. I channeled all that I know about fashion, styling and the like. Yet still I couldn't deduce whether or not this man was in fact homeless or not. And I never figured it out either. I dont feel bad about my lack of resolution though. Even Scott Schumann (The Sartorialist) has been thrown off on occasion and he's sort of a professional. Anyway, I believe this sort of thing deserves a blog. Again, I'm certain one exists but whatever.

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