Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Monday, December 6, 2010

#21 I need to hire an assistant.

I've been thinking about this for a while, and I really need an assistant. Think like the little blonde kid that accompanied Max Fischer in Rushmore. For the record, Rushmore is pretty much my favorite movie, I feel a kinship to Max Fischer and I think that Jason Schwarzman would not only fit my "celebrity friend" criteria, but he would also be the perfect lead to play the protagonist in one of my movie ideas. That is all neither here nor there. This is about the assistant that I need that I don't have. The only problem with that is since this assistant is actually just a personal assistant, I probably can't really afford to pay them. I may be able to cobble up something nominal and there would be the perk of hanging out with an eccentric Gen Xer design guy, but that's about it. Sound appealing? Oh, there's more!

The job description sort of reads like this:

Gen Xer design VP seeking a personal assistant to help with (but not limited to) a variety of tasks for approximately 10 hours a week. Activities include taking dictation for his frequent ideas. Dropping off and picking up dry cleaning, shoe repairs, and tailoring. Will also assist in running general errands, making phone calls, reservations, etc. Applicants must have a car, be able to drive a manual transmission, have decent style (though one of the perks is free fashion advice), be personable, exhibit good writing and grammar skills, have good manners and must definitely be comfortable hearing/talking about absolutely anything. While this position doesn't pay much, or anything really, the selected individual will gain valuable exposure to design, brand strategy and eccentricity. Subservient, visionary self starters only need apply.

Sounds awesome right? No?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

#20 I will pay particular attention to recurring whims.

I was thinking about it today and where many of my whims just come and instantly vanish like idea lightning, there are some that keep coming back around. Some are even so powerful when they come around, they're like the Halley's comet of whims, and thus are pretty significant, or at least are seemingly more so due to their recurrences. And while I tend to think all my ideas are pretty awesome (modestly, I swear) some are apparently more awesome than others. Take for example:

I have a feeling that writing TV show and movie treatments are something I really need to do. So this weekend I started writing my sequel to a popular movie that came out about 5 years ago. I think this one is a real winner of an idea.

My other recurring ideas are often clothing related. Some are ideas for cool garments that may not currently exist or interesting modifications and twists to existing ones.

I probably should define a frequency metric that I could use to gauge an idea's value before I pursue it. Say 3. That sounds pretty good. If I have more than 3 ideas about a subject, I should actually find a way to pursue it. Stake planted.

Oh, on second thought, that metric might not work for all of them. I suppose I should use a second idea vetting criteria otherwise some celebrities might opt for restraining orders. That would be bad for my personal brand, which has neither desperation nor felonious behaviour as part of it's equity.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

#19 I want to be friends with James Franco

This is part 2 in my recurring theme. Unlike my well articulated post regarding the merits of a friendship to Gwyneth Paltrow, my desire to be friends with James Franco has less to go on. I think he has a good sense of humor, is down to earth and dresses well. He is friends with a host of personality types, from Will Farrell to well, Gwyneth Paltrow. I could totally hang with them.

#18 I will work on my movie treatments and tv show ideas

I have some amazing ideas for both films and tv shows. All these ideas are firmly etched into my brain, but there they will do no one any good except for me. I am not that selfish. So not unlike say Andrew Carnegie, as my gift back to mankind I will write my treatments and show ideas and actually try to find the proper outlets to pitch them. A couple of these I think are actually pretty great so if I don't write these, I expect to get beat up for crimes against humanity.

#17 I would like a pet owl

I recently lost a bet over a football game. I am not a gambling man, but in this case, I felt so confident my team would win, that I wagered a nice bottle of wine to one of my 3 bosses , who wisely accepted that wager. Well, upon my defeat I decided to accompany my bottle of wine with a masterfully photoshopped image of me, as a turkey adorned with Bengals stripes, as it was in fact my Bengals who lost on Thanksgiving day. Naturally I pulled up Google and entered "bengals turkey" as my search terms. To my glee, my search netted out several pictures of an owl called a Bengal Owl. I know it's a bit hipsterish, but I do love me some owls, but a Bengal owl?!? Too good to be true! Normally I actually detest birds, unless they are birds of prey. Owls are not only sort of birds of prey, but they also look like cats, and I love cats. A lot. So now I want a pet Bengal Owl. Is that legal? FYI, this is what one looks like.

#16 I will be less negligent

In this case I mean specifically about this blog, but I suppose with me it could apply to a host of things. Ideas not being one of those things.