Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Thursday, December 2, 2010

#17 I would like a pet owl

I recently lost a bet over a football game. I am not a gambling man, but in this case, I felt so confident my team would win, that I wagered a nice bottle of wine to one of my 3 bosses , who wisely accepted that wager. Well, upon my defeat I decided to accompany my bottle of wine with a masterfully photoshopped image of me, as a turkey adorned with Bengals stripes, as it was in fact my Bengals who lost on Thanksgiving day. Naturally I pulled up Google and entered "bengals turkey" as my search terms. To my glee, my search netted out several pictures of an owl called a Bengal Owl. I know it's a bit hipsterish, but I do love me some owls, but a Bengal owl?!? Too good to be true! Normally I actually detest birds, unless they are birds of prey. Owls are not only sort of birds of prey, but they also look like cats, and I love cats. A lot. So now I want a pet Bengal Owl. Is that legal? FYI, this is what one looks like.

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