Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Sunday, December 5, 2010

#20 I will pay particular attention to recurring whims.

I was thinking about it today and where many of my whims just come and instantly vanish like idea lightning, there are some that keep coming back around. Some are even so powerful when they come around, they're like the Halley's comet of whims, and thus are pretty significant, or at least are seemingly more so due to their recurrences. And while I tend to think all my ideas are pretty awesome (modestly, I swear) some are apparently more awesome than others. Take for example:

I have a feeling that writing TV show and movie treatments are something I really need to do. So this weekend I started writing my sequel to a popular movie that came out about 5 years ago. I think this one is a real winner of an idea.

My other recurring ideas are often clothing related. Some are ideas for cool garments that may not currently exist or interesting modifications and twists to existing ones.

I probably should define a frequency metric that I could use to gauge an idea's value before I pursue it. Say 3. That sounds pretty good. If I have more than 3 ideas about a subject, I should actually find a way to pursue it. Stake planted.

Oh, on second thought, that metric might not work for all of them. I suppose I should use a second idea vetting criteria otherwise some celebrities might opt for restraining orders. That would be bad for my personal brand, which has neither desperation nor felonious behaviour as part of it's equity.

1 comment:

  1. Typo: 2nd to last line "which is has"

    And look at you with your "euro-spelling" of the word behaviour!!! Or is that just another typo?!?!?
