Creative Bitter Awesome Sparkly

................................................................Creative Awesome Sparkly Bitter ......................................................

Monday, November 5, 2012

#41 Magical Organizer

They say that when you add "god love him but..." before talking about someone it means they are an idiot.  Not sure what "god help me but..." would mean but I am guessing I fall squarely in between the 2.  I'm no Rhodes Scholar (though I do have a t-shirt from my college visit.  Wait, no I dont, that was DeVry Institute) but have done fairly well with my career so far.  And though I yearn to be more organized (aside from my well cataloged clothes, shoes and outerwear) alas, I am not.  Not with work stuff anyway.  Well, let me tell you something, research has shown us that not only do Sasquatches exist, but as for humans, we can be classified in 2 camps of organization types - filers and pilers. If they had a secret club for us, I would declare 'hi, I'm Demetrius and I'm a piler...though I secretly wish I was a filer.'.  Hi Demetrius everyone would answer and listen to me lament all my wrongs, from misplaced memos to overdue proposals.  Ugh my list of wrongs would be long.

Well, today is a new day my friends.  I recently started a new job and I said 'you know what, it's time to make a change.  From now on, I'm gonna be organized.'. I bought one of those fancy Moleskine journal things that depressed people and hipsters swear by and started using it to take all my meeting notes.  They're all in order so I just need to flip to the date and I can recall the meetings I was in (since my memory is for shit to top it all off).  I also bought a To Do list which allows me to keep track of my tasks that I need to get done.  Lastly, as you may  have guessed by now, I have my trusty pink post-it notes.  I use them for everything.  Well, I'm almost 3 months into the new job and while I am far more organized than I was at my last job, I find myself thinking of or remembering things to add to my To Do list, but when I dont have that pad with me.  Or I may want to give someone I note, but I dont have my post-its.  See, I'm not at my desk much but I also dont want to carry a ton of crap around with me.  What to do....  well, I'll tell you what, have the organization fairy punch you in the face by way of an amazing dream on a random Tuesday night.  That's what happened.  And I ended up with my new invention (which has no name yet but is TM anyway).  Here it is in all it's glory:

It's a Moleskine, that I cut the lower third of, then inserted 2 small pads, a to do list and a post-it pad.  Now I can take sequential notes in a meeting but always have my to do list and post-its "active" below.  It's like an analog digital thing.  In hindsight, I could have probably done all this crap on my iPad all along and spared myself the stitches, but it would be far less rewarding to use.  FYI, typing with band-aids on is a pain in my ass. 

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